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Opening remarks of HRC President at Irish reception
to celebrate the Trust Fund for the participation of SIDS and LDCs in the Human Rights Council


16 September 2015

Geneva, 16 September 2015, 18.30 pm

Distinguished Colleagues,
Ladies and gentlemen,

I thank Ambassador Patricia O’Brien and the Permanent Mission of Ireland for hosting this wonderful reception to celebrate the Trust Fund for the participation of SIDS and LDCs in the work of the Human Rights Council. I would also like to extend a warm welcome to our guests of honor, our 10 fellows and participants from SIDS and LDC States to the 30th Session of our Council.

As President of the Human Rights Council, I cannot stress enough the importance of helping delegates from SIDS and LDCs attend and engage with the Human Rights Council and its mechanisms. And I am glad that we have so many of you here today and taking part in our 30th session. It is the Council’s responsibility to help offer a level playing field for all States and allow for an exchange of best practices to help ‘bring human rights back home’.

I therefore strongly highlight the importance and potential of this important Fund for strengthening the universality of the Human Rights Council. We all, and in particular donor States, must strive to enhance its visibility and help further strengthen the Fund through donations to enable the best possible interaction of SIDs and LDCs with our Council and its mechanisms.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I wish you all a lovely evening and I thank you all for your attention.
