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Statement by the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography at the 69th session of the General Assembly


15 September 2014

New York, 15 October 2014

Mr. President, Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today I have the honour to present to you my first report to the General Assembly as the new Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 68/147.

My mandate was created in 1990 by the UN Commission on Human Rights. Since then, it has been renewed consistently for the past twenty four years. I am the fifth mandate holder. The renewal of the mandate reflects the concerns of Member States on the increasing phenomena of the sale and sexual exploitation of children, and their commitment to continue to address this scourge through the special procedures system. However, it also underscores that, regrettably, the scourge is far from being eradicated.

Since the creation of my mandate, Member States and the international community have consistently condemned all forms of sale and sexual exploitation of children, and have adopted a number of international and regional instruments and measures to combat the phenomena. Moreover, thanks to many initiatives from the private and public sector, significant progress has been made.

Millions of children around the world continue to be victims of various forms of sale and sexual exploitation. It is a worldwide phenomenon

which operates across borders. Children continue to be victims of prostitution and pornography, and they continue to be sold for the purposes of sexual exploitation, transfer of organs, forced labour and illegal adoption. Moreover, prevailing violence and discrimination enhance the vulnerability of children to become victims of this scourge.

In conflict situations, children are among the most vulnerable groups of people to fall victims of sale and sexual exploitation. We have seen it last April in Nigeria, with the abhorrent abduction of hundreds of schoolgirls by Boko Haram, threatening to sell them and to use them as sex slaves.

We are witnessing it in Iraq, with reports indicating that the Islamist State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) opened an office in Mosul for the sale of abducted girls and women.

These atrocious acts undoubtedly constitute international crimes, and perpetrators must be held accountable and victims provided with redress.

Mr. President,

In my first report to the General Assembly I provide an outline of the direction that I intend to give to my work until 2017, based on an analysis of the work of my predecessors, as well as current trends, challenges and threats. It includes my approach and vision, and the

work methods that I intend to develop for the strategic implementation of my mandate.

Mr. President,

My mandate is the only one stemming from the Human Rights Council with an exclusive focus on children, and I intend to fulfil the ensuing responsibility with utmost dedication and resolve.In this regard, I intend to deploy efforts to mainstream the protection and promotion of children’s rights within the UN special procedures system.

During my tenure, I intend to ensure the continuity of the work of my predecessors. Hence, my first thematic report will be devoted to the issue of information and communication technologies and sexual exploitation of children. This report will reflect new trends, challenges and threats determined by the ever evolving ICTs. In particular, I will focus on the potential for children to contribute to combatting these crimes through ICTs.

Similarly, I will continue to work on advocacy priorities developed by my two predecessors, namely the universal ratification of the optional protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

At the same time, I intend to explore new directions in which to develop the mandate, with rehabilitation and prevention as major objectives. Thus I plan to conduct thematic studies on the consequences of sale and sexual exploitation on child victims, in order to propose

comprehensive care to allow for their recovery and reintegration. The public health dimension will be an important aspect of this theme. In addition, I intend to conduct research on the demand factor underpinning the sale and sexual exploitation of children. Another thematic focus of my mandate will be the issue of illegal adoptions. The aim of these studies will be to shed light on the causes of the phenomena and to inform policy-making.

I will also maximize the potential of other established methods of work of the special procedures system, such as communications, awareness raising and advocacy activities, and country visits. On the latter, I am pleased to inform you that I have conducted an in-depth analysis to pre- select and prioritise country visits based on established criteria.

Mr. President, Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Since taking up functions, I have proactively approached relevant UN bodies and mechanisms which address violations of children’s rights, to express my intention to work in close coordination with them, in order to ensure complementarity and maximize efforts. In this regard, I am pleased to inform you that I have received positive responses to enhance cooperation from my distinguished colleagues present here today. Similarly, I will also look to strengthen interaction and cooperation with relevant regional mechanisms.

During my tenure, I will continue to take a consultative and participatory approach. I will ensure that children are heard, their views taken seriously, and their participation and involvement guaranteed in the activities of my mandate.

Mr. President,

Next year marks the 25th anniversary of the creation of this mandate. Also next year, the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography will commemorate its 15th anniversary.

These two important anniversaries constitute bench marks to determine what has been achieved, but also what remains to be done in order to eradicate the sale and sexual exploitation of children. They underscore the need for Member States and the international community to live up to their commitments by stepping up efforts to combat and prevent sexual abuse and exploitation of children.

My mandate remains at your disposal to accompany you in this process. However, your strong support will be essential for the effective implementation of this mandate in the coming years.

I thank you for your attention.
