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Opening Statement by Mr. Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein,
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights at the 6th session of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Elaboration of Complementary Standards


07 October 2014

Geneva, 7 October 2014


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning. I'm delighted to have this opportunity to open the 6th session of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Elaboration of Complementary Standards.
Seven years ago, this Committee was established by the Human Rights Council to elaborate, "as a matter of priority and necessity", complementary standards to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, in the form of a convention or additional protocol or protocols. Essentially, your work is to think of ways to strengthen the protection of all persons from the scourges of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, as was articulated in the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, which continues to guide the work of my Office.  Your task is to indicate how the international community can ensure greater decency – greater dignity, equality, and fairness – for the millions of victims of these violations.
The world is churning in turmoil; and in many States, there appears to be a rising tide of racism and xenophobia, with frightening implications.

Discrimination, distinction, exclusion and marginalization on several grounds threaten the peacefulness and stability of societies. They infringe the enjoyment of civil and political rights, and impede the realization of economic, social and cultural rights. Today we see that individuals are persecuted, even murdered because they believe in a religion other than their persecutors, or do not believe in any, or belong to a particular ethnic group, or have certain skin colour.  We all have the responsibility to think about what we can do to make the world safer place for them.

The contemporary manifestations of racism undermine social cohesion and progress, sometimes to the extent that these are destroyed. They prevent the full expression of the talents and skills of each member of society, obstructing development. And this causes profound injustice and pain. No successful, harmonious or stable society can tolerate for racism. Conversely, each failed or failing State features the dehumanization, marginalization or exclusion of groups.   

I am aware that the road that this Committee has travelled has not been easy - in no small part because the issues it considers are sensitive and complex.  I also understand that there has been much debate on whether or not gaps exist in the current normative framework.

Under the able leadership of your Chairperson-Rapporteur, Ambassador Minty, this Committee has begun adopting, by consensus, its programme of work, and you have been agreeing on topics for consideration so as to move forward.  Through my own experience I have learned that it is always possible to achieve consensus, especially among seasoned and reasonable diplomats such as yourselves. More progress is essential.  I understand that during this session you will consider prevention and awareness-raising, including through human rights education; special measures, including affirmative or positive measures; xenophobia; national mechanisms and whether there are procedural gaps relating to the ICERD.  With the substantive input of experts and practitioners, these are topics where you can provide greater clarity and guidance so as to strengthen and update the international legal framework.  


I am confident that you will achieve more progress during this session. You will be able to fulfil your mandate and move forward providing guidance on ways to address racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance more effectively. I encourage you to work together, with courage, insight and compassion, with a view to proposing ways to stem the discrimination, hatred and violence which are sadly features of our contemporary world.

Thank you.
