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Peru must stop and investigate violence against children during protests, UN committee urges


16 December 2022

GENEVA (16 December 2022) – The UN Child Rights Committee urged Peru to take immediate action to end violence against children, investigate the casualty of children during recent protests and duly guarantee children’s rights to expression.

The Committee issued a statement today to express its deep concerns about the information it received regarding the death of children during the demonstrations and the eye injuries of a girl as a result of the use of force.

It was also alarmed by the arbitrary detention of children who had taken part in the manifestations and their reportedly lack of legal assistance.

The Committee also received testimonies that repression was directly targeted at homes where children were sheltered during the protests.

It also noted the suspension of classes in schools in Ica, Cusco, Lima, La Libertad, Arequipa and Apurimac. The Committee, in addition, was concerned about children being exposed to danger and having difficulty accessing health and food services as a result of the roadblocks stranding interprovincial transportation.

The Committee called upon Peru to conduct a thorough, prompt and independent investigation into the deaths of the two children and those injured.

It also asked the State party to stop violence and promote dialogue.

Peru also has to ensure that any use of force complies with the fundamental principles of legality, necessity and proportionality, particularly in peaceful assemblies where children are included in the participants, the Committee stressed.

The Committee underscored that children’s rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly must be respected.

The full statement is now available online.
