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Information note on Human Rights Committee


17 August 2018

The UN Human Rights Committee has requested Brazil to take all necessary measures to ensure that Lula can enjoy and exercise his political rights while in prison, as candidate in the 2018 presidential elections. This includes having appropriate access to the media and members of his political party. The Committee also requested Brazil not to prevent him from standing for election in the 2018 presidential elections, until his appeals before the courts have been completed in fair judicial proceedings. The technical name for this request is "interim measures" and these relate to his pending individual complaint which remains before the Committee. This request does not mean that the Committee has found a violation yet - it is an urgent measure to preserve Lula’s right, pending the case consideration on the merits, which will take place next year.

It is important to note that although this response is being provided through the UN Human Rights Office, it is a decision of the Human Rights Committee, which is made up of independent experts. This response may be attributed to the Human Rights Committee.

Lula: Interim measures