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Committee on the rights of migrant workers closes its twenty-eighth session


20 April 2018

Le Comité pour la protection des droits des travailleurs migrants achève les travaux de sa vingt-huitième session


Adopts concluding observations and recommendations on situation in Algeria and Guyana, as well as conclusions on Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in the absence of a report

GENEVA (20 April 2018) - The Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families concluded this afternoon its twenty-eighth session after adopting its concluding observations and recommendations on the reports of Algeria and Guyana, as well as conclusions in the absence of a report on Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.  

Ahmadou Tall, Committee Chairperson, reminded that the Committee had held interactive dialogues and adopted concluding observations and recommendations on the reports of Algeria and Guyana, and had adopted conclusions in the absence of a report on Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.  The Committee had held a successful ceremony to launch the General Comments on the rights of the child in the context of migration, which had been issued jointly with the Committee on the Rights of the Child.  The Committee had also decided to draft a new General Comment No. 5 on the right to liberty of migrants and their protection from arbitrary detention.  In addition, it had sent letters to the co-facilitators involved in the negotiations on the Global Compact on Migration to share its concern about the absence of any mention of the Convention on the Rights of Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families in the text of the Global Compact.  Finally, the Committee had adopted its annual report relating to the twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth sessions of the Committee.  

On 10 April, the Committee elected Ahmadou Tall of Senegal as Chairperson, Jasminka Dzumhur of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Maria Landazuri de Mora of Ecuador, and Can Ünver of Turkey as Vice-Chairpersons, as well as Khedidja Ladjel of Algeria as Rapporteur of the Committee.  

The twenty-ninth session of the Committee will take place from 3 to 12 September 2018 at the Palais Wilson in Geneva, during which the Committee will review the reports of Madagascar and Mozambique.


For use of the information media; not an official record
