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Comment by UN Human Rights Office spokesperson Liz Throssell on Nicaragua protest violence


20 April 2018


GENEVA (20 April 2018)We are deeply concerned that at least three people were killed and scores injured in Nicaragua this week during nationwide protests against the government’s planned social security reforms.

According to reports, there were clashes in Managua between police and protesters, some of whom were throwing stones at officers, while in the town of Masaya, demonstrators were attacked by government supporters. Journalists are also reported to have been attacked during the protests. In addition, we are disturbed at reports that a number of TV channels that were covering the demonstrations have been taken off air by the government.

We call on the Nicaraguan authorities to act to prevent further attacks on demonstrators and on the media. The Nicaraguan State should abide by its international obligations to ensure that people are able to freely exercise their right to freedom of expression and to peaceful assembly and association. We also urge those demonstrating to do so peacefully.


For more information and media requests, please contact: Liz Throssell (+41 22 917 9466 /

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Nicaragua violence