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Comment by UN Human Rights Office Spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani on Mauritania


03 August 2017

French | Spanish

GENEVA (3 August 2017) – We are concerned about the unrest ahead of the constitutional referendum scheduled for Saturday in Mauritania, particularly the apparent suppression of dissenting voices and the reported use of excessive force by the authorities against protest leaders.

Protests have been taking place daily since 21 July, led by opposition politicians calling for a boycott of the vote. The authorities reportedly did not respond to the majority of requests for authorization for the protests and actively dispersed gatherings. In several cases, protest leaders were reportedly beaten up and a number of them were arrested.

Mass protests are planned this afternoon in Nouakchott and reports suggest that the Senate building has been cordoned off by the police and the gendarmerie. We urge the Government to ensure that its response to the protests is line with its obligations under international human rights law and to ensure that the rights to peaceful assembly, to freedom of opinion and expression are fully respected. These rights are particularly precious in a pre-electoral context. We call on all sides to refrain from the use of violence and to take measures to prevent the situation from escalating.

The Government has a responsibility to ensure that the elections are held in conformity with the international human rights obligations of Mauritania. The Government should take all necessary measures to ensure free, transparent and credible elections.


For more information and media requests, please contact Ravina Shamdasani: or +41 22 917 9169

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