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Comment by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein on Burundi killing


06 November 2015

GENEVA (6 November 2015) - “I unreservedly condemn the killing of the son of one of Burundi's most prominent human rights defenders, Pierre Claver Mbonimpa, in Bujumbura earlier today. This is second member of Mbonimpa's family to have been killed in recent weeks. Welly Nzitonda was reportedly arrested by police this morning around 11 a.m. His body was found this afternoon in the neighbourhood of Mutakura. Pierre Claver Mbonimpa himself narrowly escaped an assassination attempt in August 2015 and is still undergoing treatment abroad. One of his sons-in-law was also killed on 9 October.

This assassination reinforces fears that there is a systematic policy of targeting members of the opposition, journalists, human rights defenders and ordinary citizens perceived to be opposing the Government. So far there has been complete impunity for these crimes.”

On Monday, the High Commissioner will be addressing the UN Security Council on the rapidly deteriorating situation in Burundi.

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Burundi killing