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Human Rights Council adopts outcome of Universal Periodic Review of Kiribati


01 July 2015

Human Rights Council 

1st July 2015

The Human Rights Council this afternoon adopted the outcome of the Universal Periodic Review of Kiribati. 

Filloreta Kodra, Vice-President of the Human Rights Council, said that Kiribati was unable to participate at the current session of the Human Rights Council and read out the statement of Kiribati in which it said that Kiribati had accepted 70 out of the 115 recommendations and had considered 32; the Government would continue to work with key stakeholders, build capacity and provide necessary resources with a view to consider accepting such recommendations in the future.  Kiribati took note of the remaining 13 recommendations.

China welcomed Kiribati’s acceptance of recommendations relating to education, climate change and social development, and commended Kiribati’s efforts in the field of employment, women’s empowerment, the rights of persons with disabilities and the rights of migrants.  Cuba commended Kiribati’s commitment to the protection of the human rights of its people, and welcomed progress made in achieving free access to medical services.  Ghana welcomed progress made in implementing recommendations from its first review, and encouraged Kiribati to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Migrant Workers and their Families and the Rome Statute as soon as possible.  Sierra Leone regretted that Kiribati did not provide more details regarding its plan to implement recommendations made to it, and commended Kiribati’s cooperation with other countries mostly affected by climate change.  United Nations Children’s Fund welcomed the passing of legislation on the rights of children, said urgent action was required to protect women from sexual violence, and called for further efforts to ensure access to sexual and reproductive health.  Venezuela welcomed Kiribati’s commitment to the Universal Periodic Review and its openness during the process, and highlighted efforts made to achieve human rights goals, including in the field of children’s rights. 
Franciscans International called for regional and global actions to address the risks that climate change caused to livelihoods and traditional lands in most affected countries, and highlighted the importance of the Paris conference approving a legally binding instrument.     

The Vice-President said that out of 115 recommendations received, Kiribati accepted 70 and 45 were noted. 

The Council then adopted the outcome of the Universal Periodic Review of Kiribati. 

The Council will reconvene on Thursday, 2 July at 9 a.m., to adopt the outcome of the Universal Periodic Review of Guyana.  It will then begin to take action on draft decisions and resolutions. 

For use of the information media; not an official record

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