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Human Rights Council holds interactive dialogue with the Commission of Inquiry on Syria


23 June 2015


23 June 2015

Concludes General Debate on the Promotion and Protection of All Human Rights

The Human Rights Council this morning held an interactive dialogue with the Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria after concluding its general debate on the promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development. The Council also heard an address by the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Georgia.

Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, said that the war in Syria had mutated into a multi-sided and highly fluid war of attrition where belligerents repeatedly experienced surges and setbacks, which fuelled the illusion that a military victory remained possible. Deliberate targeting of civilians, indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks, and the punitive imposition of sieges and blockades were the main causes of civilian casualties, displacement and destruction; this was a suffering that knew no gender, ethnicity, or religion. The Government, with the superior firepower and control of the skies, inflicted the most damage in its indiscriminate attacks on civilians, and non-State armed groups continued to cause civilian deaths and injuries. The continuing war represented a profound failure of diplomacy and justice still seemed well beyond the collective grasp. The absence of decisive action by the community of States, as a whole, had nourished a now deeply entrenched culture of impunity

Syria, the concerned country, said that the crimes by the opposition, Al-Nussra and other twin groups, including the attacks on archaeological sites in the old city of Aleppo, unfortunately had not found their way into the Commission’s report. There was evidence of the role of Turkey in supporting terrorism in Syria, but the Commission’s report failed to name countries in this regard. The continued biased position of the Commission of Inquiry against Syria was deplorable and that was why Syria rejected its report.

In the ensuing discussion, speakers said that the situation in Syria represented the largest humanitarian tragedy witnessed in the twenty-first century. The prolonged fighting had now resulted in more than 220,000 killed, 7.6 million internally displaced persons and four million refugees. The human rights and humanitarian situation continued to be extremely grave with widespread killings, torture and detention of civilians. Women and children faced especially violent situations and were in urgent need of protection and humanitarian assistance. Delegations expressed outrage regarding the continued bloodshed and violence against civilians, and called on the Syrian Government to cease indiscriminate aerial attacks and the indiscriminate use of barrel bombs. The humanitarian situation would continue to deteriorate in the absence of a political solution, speakers said, and called on all to support the efforts of United Nations Envoy Staffan de Mistura and to work towards the comprehensive implementation of the Geneva Communiqué of 30 June 2012. Failure to address the prevailing culture of impunity had decisively contributed to the escalation of horror and hampered the basis for a longstanding peace. Any political solution must be linked to accountability mechanisms. Speakers called on the Security Council to refer the situation in Syria to the International Criminal Court and stressed that the Commission’s work was vital for justice and accountability.

Speaking were the European Union, Iceland on behalf of the Nordic Countries, Belgium on behalf of Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg, United States, Egypt, Switzerland, Chile, Saudi Arabia, Portugal, Australia, Tunisia, Netherlands, Poland, Albania, Bahrain, Spain, Japan, Israel, Ecuador, Estonia, United Arab Emirates, Paraguay, Ireland, New Zealand, Czech Republic, Germany, Brazil, Venezuela, Greece, Jordan, Canada, Algeria, Qatar, Cuba, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, China, Belarus, United Kingdom, Kuwait, Russia, Maldives, Slovakia, Morocco, Italy, Turkey, Iraq, Botswana, and Romania.

Also speaking were the following non-governmental organizations: Union of Arab Jurists, Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, Press Emblem Campaign, Arab Commission for Human Rights, Amnesty International, Verein Sudwind Entwicklungspolitik, Women International League for Peace and Freedom, World Jewish Congress, and Association of World Citizens.

Khatuna Totladze, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Georgia, also addressed the Council, saying that Georgia had proven its commitment to human rights, rule of law, transparency and accountability. She condemned the brutal crimes and atrocities by ISIS, in particular against vulnerable groups, and expressed concerns about the systematic and widespread violations in Syria.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Council concluded its general debate on the promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development. The general debate started on 22 June and the summary is available here.

Speakers in the general debate noted that freedom of expression was a component of modern society, with modern technologies playing an important role in it, and said it was unfortunate that the Special Rapporteur did not address the issue of cyber hate. It was essential to assess the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals and the promises of the international community that were not fulfilled. The growing income inequalities affected the enjoyment of human rights of marginalized persons, in particular in the least developed countries where half of the population lived in extreme poverty.

The following non-governmental organizations spoke: Helios Life Association, World Jewish Congress, Badil Resource Centre for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights, International Muslim Women Union, Rencontre Africaine pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme, Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain, Save the Children International, Society for Threatened Peoples, Russian Public Institute of Electoral Law, Organisation Internationale pour les Pays les Moins Avances, and Colombian Commission of Jurists.

Speaking in right of reply were Eritrea, United States, Ukraine, China and Saudi Arabia.

The Human Rights Council will next meet at 3 p.m. to start an interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Belarus, Miklós Haraszti, followed by the interactive dialogue with the Commission of Inquiry on Eritrea.

General Debate on the Promotion and Protection of All Human Rights, Civil, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, including the Right to Development

Helios Life Association conveyed the message of unity to the Human Rights Council as the only way to uphold peace. It called for the establishment of a world that was fully transparent and with no violence committed in the name of national interests; for the freedom of migration without xenophobia; for equal distribution of food; and for the right to education. There was only one humanity, the Association stressed.

World Jewish Congress noted that freedom of expression was a component of modern society, with modern technologies playing an important role in it. It was unfortunate that the Special Rapporteur did not address the issue of cyber hate. Although it was essential to preserve the voice of the people, it was important to prevent hate speech, such as the ideology spread by the ISIS and Holocaust denial.

Badil Resource Centre for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights called on the Council to protect the rights of Palestinian internally displaced persons. The ongoing displacement crisis in Palestine was a direct result of the Israeli occupation. The forced displacement included the demolition of Palestinian homes and the destruction of Palestinian property. Some Bedouin villages in the occupied territories were purposely destroyed by the Israeli forces.

International Muslim Women Union said that unlawful killings and enforced disappearances had become common practices in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir. India should ensure that all allegations of past and present enforced disappearances were investigated and those responsible prosecuted in a transparent manner.

Rencontre Africaine pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme said that it was essential to assess the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals and the promises of the international community that were not fulfilled. There were enough resources in the world, but their unequal distribution must be addressed. It was also imperative to address modern forms of slavery and climate change.

Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain expressed concern about human rights violations in the framework of the anti-terrorist campaign in Yemen. The Gulf Cooperation Council and Saudi Arabia coalition had caused 20,000 deaths, while aid raids had destroyed large parts of infrastructure, including refugee camps and humanitarian aid warehouses. This had undermined the provision of assistance to the population in need.

Save the Children International addressed the child’s right to expression, association and assembly in the context of resource allocation. Many children lived in areas where land was often affected by environmental degradation, and where the activities of corporations led to the loss of revenue. Children had the right to be heard and express their opinion, and should be allowed to participate in decision-making processes regarding resource allocation.

Society for Threatened Peoples turned the Council’s attention to the worsening situation in the Chinese province of Xinjiang Uyghur. The Uyghur community was concerned that curbs on religious activity would pick up where they left off in 2014, as Government employees and students were prohibited from fasting during Ramadan. Of concern was also the adoption of overly broad and vague counter-terrorism legislation, which was a little more than a license to commit human rights abuses.

Russian Public Institute of Electoral Law warned that while some countries were actively fighting Nazism, radicalism and racism, others were openly supporting neo-Nazi organizations. Such was the case in Ukraine, where the destruction of Soviet monuments and the use of anti-Communist rhetoric was indicative of the lack of the authorities’ will to fight such tendencies.

Organisation Internationale pour les Pays les Moins Avances said that extreme poverty had a direct impact on human rights and inequalities had increased during the last decades. The growing income inequalities affected the enjoyment of human rights of marginalized persons, in particular in the least developed countries where half of the population lived in extreme poverty.

Colombian Commission of Jurists said that Colombia had the second highest number of internally displaced persons in the world, six million, but the implementation of the Land and Restitution Act had been hampered by guerrillas and non-State actors. Returning land to their owners and the return of the displaced lacked the guarantees of non-repetition, murders and threat of new displacement. The implementation of the Guiding Principles on Internally Displaced Persons was vital to rectify the situation in Colombia.

Right of Reply

Eritrea, speaking in a right of reply, said that references to Eritrea in the context of the discussion on illegal migrants from Africa were not in their place because Eritrea’s youth were lured with promises of work and income. Eritrea was a victim and not the culprit.

United States, speaking in a right of reply in reference to the comments by Venezuela during the discussion on the report by the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association, said that the true issue was the misuse by States of the freedom of assembly and association, including under the pretext of anti-terrorism activities. Venezuela limited the exercise of those rights.

Ukraine, speaking in a right of reply in response to the statement of the Russian delegation, stressed that it was a known fact that Ukraine cooperated with the Special Procedures and other human rights mechanisms. While there was clamping down on the freedom of expression and on journalists in the Russian Federation, that country preferred to accuse others of such transgressions. The lack of freedom of expression in Ukraine was, in fact, the result of the Russian occupation of eastern Ukraine. Also, the situation of the Crimean Tatars had deteriorated since the declaration of independence.

China, speaking in a right of reply, said China paid a high degree of attention to the stability in Xinjiang, and guaranteed the rights of minorities there. They enjoyed their full rights. At the same time, China was a country ensuring the rule of law and any persons engaged in any illegal activity could not regard themselves as above the law. China would continue to protect the religious rights of minorities in Xinjiang, and to promote the economic development there.

Saudi Arabia, speaking in a right of reply in response to accusations by a civil rights organization concerning the situation in Yemen, stressed that the operation “Decisive Storm” was carried legally in order to save the legitimate Government of Yemen from the coup of the Houthis. All the members of the coalition complied with international humanitarian law, and Saudi Arabia had set up a centre for humanitarian and relief assistance for civilians in Yemen.


The Council has before it a written paper and oral update of the Independent International Commission of inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic (A/HRC/29/G/5, A/HRC/29/CRP.3)

Presentation by the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic

PAULO SÉRGIO PINHEIRO, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, said the war in Syria had entered its fifth year and showed no signs of abating. It had mutated into a multi-sided and highly fluid war of attrition where belligerents repeatedly experienced surges and setbacks. This had served only to fuel the illusion that a military victory remained possible. The main cause of civilian casualties, arbitrary displacement, and destruction was the deliberate targeting of civilians, indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks, attacks on civilian and protected sites, and the punitive imposition of sieges and blockades. Indiscriminate attacks on civilian inhabited areas were committed across the country by most, if not all, of the warring parties. Large numbers of children had been killed in bombardments of their homes, schools, and playgrounds. This was a suffering that knew no gender, ethnicity, or religion. The Government, with its superior firepower and control of the skies, inflicted the most damage in its indiscriminate attacks on civilians. Non-State armed groups continued to cause civilian deaths and injuries. In no instance had the warring parties shown any commitment to the paramount obligation to distinguish between civilian and military objectives.

Government forces, anti-Government armed groups, and ISIS employed the use of sieges to devastating effect, resulting in civilians starving to death, or dying from chronic illness or injuries. Sieges and the protracted denial of humanitarian aid, including food, had led to malnutrition and starvation. The continuing war represented a profound failure of diplomacy. Influential States had acted with equivocation in their efforts to extinguish the conflict in Syria. While upholding the need for a political solution, some had deepened their military involvement, accentuating the internationalisation of the conflict. Those bearing the greatest responsibility for the crimes, violations and abuses committed against Syrians feared no consequences. Justice still seemed well beyond their collective grasp. The absence of decisive action by the community of States, as a whole, had nourished a now deeply entrenched culture of impunity. A war in which civilians were systematically killed, opponents were silenced, and communities were pitted against one another, required more than compassion to resolve.

Statement by the Concerned Country

Syria, speaking as the concerned country, said that inhabited areas in Damascus and Aleppo had been massively rocketed by those that some called moderate opposition, in which scores of women and children had been killed and injured. At the same time, Al-Nussra and other twin groups had committed crimes and atrocities in rural areas. Unfortunately, those attacks had not found their way into the report of the Commission of Inquiry, which based its report on information that tarnished the image of Syria. Armed terrorist groups had entrenched themselves in populated areas and used civilians as human shields; they had also used schools for war purposes and this was well documented. The Council continued to ignore unilateral coercive measures imposed against Syria which negatively affected the civilian population. It was deplorable that the report had omitted attacks on archaeological sites by IS and Al-Nussra in the old city of Aleppo. There was evidence of the role of Turkey in supporting terrorism in Syria, but the Commission’s report failed to name countries in this regard. The continued biased position of the Commission of Inquiry against Syria was deplorable and that was why Syria rejected its report.

Interactive Dialogue with the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic

European Union noted that the situation in Syria remained seriously dire. It regretted that the Syrian regime continued to deny the Commission of Inquiry access to the country. It strongly condemned the repeated use by the Syrian regime of chlorine gas as an illegal weapon, and reiterated the call to all parties to the conflict to immediately stop all forms of indiscriminate shelling and bombardment against civilian areas and all abuses of human rights. Iceland, speaking on behalf of Nordic countries, strongly condemned all the human violations, abuses and war crimes committed in Syria and urged the Commission to continue documenting cases of sexual and gender-based violence committed by all parties. The importance of women’s participation in conflict resolution and building sustainable peace was highlighted. All parties had to intensify their efforts towards a political solution. Belgium, speaking on behalf of Benelux countries, expressed outrage regarding the continued bloodshed and violence against civilians in Syria, caused in particular by the systematic use of barrel bombs. The Syrian Government should cease indiscriminate aerial attacks. The humanitarian situation would continue to deteriorate in the absence of a political solution and all parties were urged to work towards the comprehensive implementation of the Geneva Communique of 30 June 2012.

United States said the situation in Syria had further deteriorated; in May alone, the regime had killed 1,713 civilians and ISIL had killed 197. The regime continued to drop barrel bombs on civilian areas and to imprison tens of thousands of Syrians, subjecting them to torture, sexual violence, inhumane conditions and unfair trials. The United States encouraged the Commission of Inquiry to investigate allegations of killings of prisoners by regime forces in March 2015. Egypt was concerned about the deteriorating situation of internally displaced persons and refugees, and condemned the continued use of violence against civilians by all parties. It also condemned violations of the economic, social and cultural rights of the Syrian people. A political solution remained the only way to solve this conflict, and there had to be a peace process on the basis of citizenship rather than on the basis of factions. Switzerland regretted Syria’s refusal to grant access to the territory to the Commission of Inquiry, and said systematic targeting of civilians was unacceptable. The Syrian Government and all armed groups had the obligation to allow rapid and unhindered humanitarian access. Switzerland called on the Security Council to refer the situation in Syria to the International Criminal Court, and asked how the Commission of Inquiry would cooperate with national judicial courts.

Chile was concerned about the increase in the amount of weapons reaching the conflict areas and asked how this movement of weapons could be explained, given that it was a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law. Should Daesh, a terrorist group which held and administered territory, be considered in the inclusive peace negotiations? Saudi Arabia said that the situation in Syria represented the largest humanitarian tragedy witnessed in the twenty-first century and that the cowardice of the international community and its failure to intervene and rescue the grieving Syrian nation would be deeply carved in history’s black pages. The Syrian regime was the first sponsor of terrorism and violence. Portugal said that the Commission of Inquiry had shown evidence that crimes committed against civilians both by the Syrian Government forces and armed groups such as Daesh/ISIS and Jabhat Al-Nussra amounted to war crimes and crimes against humanity. Urgent action was needed in this regard. Failure to address the prevailing culture of impunity decisively contributed to the escalation of horror and hampered the basis for a longstanding peace.

Australia noted that continued barrel bomb attacks on heavily populated areas and around Aleppo was shocking. Chlorine continued to be used as a weapon, and armed groups continued to target vulnerable communities on the basis of their ethnicity and religion. Those responsible for these serious international crimes had to be held accountable. Australia asked the Commission whether there was any evidence that States with influence among the parties were pressing them to improve their behaviour.
Tunisia encouraged the Commission to pursue the perpetrators of human rights violations and to hold them accountable. It reiterated its full sympathy and solidarity with the Syrian people, and was invested in reaching a political solution that would respect the territorial sovereignty of Syria. It called on all parties to the conflict to respect human rights, and paid tribute to neighbouring countries for offering support to Syrian refugees. Netherlands stressed that it was imperative to investigate all violations of international humanitarian law in Syria. The only way to stop the ongoing tragedy was to reach a political solution, and the Netherlands thus supported the efforts of the United Nations Envoy Staffan de Mistura. It called on all political forces and armed groups to seize the opportunity to participate fully in the United Nations process without preconditions.

Poland expressed concern over the number of civilian casualties in Syria. Syrian Christians during the ongoing conflict were particularly deprived of their rights, including the right to life. Poland was concerned that Syrian people were tortured to death, beheaded in public, and suffered sexual abuse. All parties, particularly the Syrian authorities, had failed to comply with their international obligations. Albania expressed its strongest condemnation of the indiscriminate use of weapons, shelling, and aerial bombardments by State and non-State actors. Women and children faced especially violent situations and were in urgent need of protection and humanitarian assistance. Albania remained alarmed with the activities of ISIS, which posed a real threat to peace, security and stability. France said the Commission’s work was vital for justice and accountability. Daily grave violations had fuelled violence and the emergence of ISIS and other groups. France called upon the Commission of Inquiry to closely investigate cases of torture in detention centres. France supported the call by the Commission for the situation to be referred to the International Criminal Court, and supported the Commission publicizing the names of perpetrators.

Bahrain regretted that the Commission of Inquiry had again been denied access to the Syrian territory where the war had been dragging on for five years. There was a need for a peaceful solution which would provide peace and security to the people of Syria. The regime continued to shell inhabited areas and had caused 250,000 casualties and millions of displaced persons and refugees. Spain was convinced that the only way to stop the bloodshed in Syria was through a political process based on respect for human rights and peaceful coexistence of all communities and minorities. Spain asked about reactions to the Commission’s announcement that it would provide information to national courts to initiate proceedings related to facts known to the Commission. Japan remained deeply concerned about continued indiscriminate attacks on civilians and called on all parties to the conflict to immediately cease violent attacks. The prolonged fighting had now resulted in more than 7.6 million internally displaced persons and the human rights and humanitarian situation continued to be extremely grave with widespread killings, torture and detention of civilians.

Israel said that what started as legitimate demands of freedom and basic rights by Syrian citizens had turned into one of the most brutal civil wars in recent history. Syria had turned into a battlefield between the extreme ideologies of Iraq, Syria and Iran. This crisis was about dominance and power, and the people of Syria were those paying the price. Ecuador reiterated the importance of defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria. The Syrian conflict had to be solved by the Syrian people. Ecuador called on the international community to meet the humanitarian needs of the civilian population. It condemned interference from outside and called on third parties to abstain from involving themselves in the conflict. Estonia noted that parties to the conflict continued to behave with impunity and total disregard for the basic tenets of humanity and international humanitarian law. Access to humanitarian aid was a major concern, and for those besieged it meant a total lack of access to basic needs. It was clear that the situation in Syria would not improve until a political solution was found, and Estonia therefore supported the efforts of the United Nations Special Envoy’s current efforts in Geneva.

United Arab Emirates said that regular Syrian forces pursued their attacks against civilians and that their air attacks had caused significant civilian casualties. Barrel bombs and chlorine had been used in violation of international law. Daesh had also committed atrocities against civilians. There was a need to ensure accountability for the crimes. The United Arab Emirates had committed five million dollars to fund humanitarian aid to the Syrian population. Paraguay expressed indignation at the indiscriminate attacks on civilians and called for them to immediately stop Syria was the largest source of refugees in the world, and more than five million children required aid, while less than half of school-aged children attended school. Ireland said that the conflict had long ceased to be a struggle between Syrians but was a confrontation fuelled by a small number of parties outside Syria with regional and international ambitions at stake. The pursuit of influence or prestige which underlined their role was at the cost of unspeakable human suffering. All States were obliged under international law to support ending this conflict. New Zealand remained concerned about the indiscriminate attacks against civilians, including with illegal weapons. It also expressed concerns about targeting of humanitarian workers, women and children, as well as activists and human rights defenders. Accountability was vital for conflict resolution and prevention, and New Zealand was open to alternative accountability mechanisms given that a deferral to the International Criminal Court had not been successful.


PAULO SÉRGIO PINHEIRO, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, regretted that Syria had not shared any information with the Commission for the last three years. Doing so would be more constructive than just accusing the Commission of having a political agenda. A visit to Syria would also help having a clearer view of the Government’s position. The Commission did not take sides, only the side of the victims and international human rights and humanitarian obligations. All sides had increased their use of firepower this year. The Commission did not believe ISIS should take part in future negotiations, but rather believed that how to combat ISIS should be part of the discussions. Continued political support of parties to the conflict by foreign States should be conditional on respect for international law. The Commission had conducted over 4,000 interviews with victims and witnesses, based on the policy of formal consent. Regarding New Zealand’s comment about other options for accountability, the Commission believed an ad hoc tribunal for Syria could have certain advantages. It could be based in the region, closer to victims, at a minimal cost, and benefit from greater participation. National prosecutions would also be a major tool. The Commission would nonetheless continue to support a deferral to the International Criminal Court.

Interactive Dialogue with the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic

Czech Republic called on the Syrian authorities to grant the Commission of Inquiry immediate and unrestricted access throughout the country. It strongly condemned the extensive and systemic attacks against civilians, women and children, as well as the repeated use of chemical weapons, including chlorine gas, and the use of barrel bombs. Germany urged the Syrian Government and all parties to the conflict to respect the human rights of all in Syria and comply with their respective obligations under international humanitarian law. The illegal practice of enforced disappearance or incommunicado detention had to cease, and all persons arrested for exercising their fundamental freedoms also had to be released. Germany was appalled by the criminal acts of violence committed against the civilian population by ISIL terrorist organization. Brazil stated that in order to promote a lasting solution to the conflict, it was crucial to place the interests of the Syrian people at the forefront, ahead of regional rivalries, international disputes and ethnic and religious differences. The international community had to redouble its efforts to promote dialogue, political negotiations and compromise, preferably within the scope of Geneva I and II, in order to bring the conflict to a peaceful end.

Venezuela deeply regretted the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives in Syria and was concerned about the situation in the country which was in the grip of armed terrorist groups that were trained by those wanting the overthrow of the legitimate Government. There was an unending international media campaign against the Syrian Government and Venezuela deplored the manipulation of the information upon which the report was based. Greece valued all the efforts of the Commission despite the fact that it had been denied access to Syria. Humanitarian access was still problematic and it must be dealt with effectively and as a matter of priority in an effort to reduce the death toll, treat the injured and combat starvation. Greece would continue to address the issue of Syrian migrants arriving to Greece in the most appropriate way. Jordan was very concerned about the deterioration of the situation in Syria and emphasized the fact that violence must be brought to an end. Jordan had always supported a political solution to the conflict with the full participation of the population. Jordan called for a political solution and return to normal life with justice and peace.

Canada welcomed the Commission’s work to document violations and abuses both by the regime and armed groups. Canada condemned the regime’s deliberate cut-off of access to healthcare as a measure of reprisal. Canada called on all parties to stop targeting civilians and allow full access to humanitarian agencies. Canada expressed support to a political solution based on the Geneva Communique, and underlined the importance for women and civil society to participate in peace processes. Algeria deplored the violence in Syria, and said the work of the Commission of Inquiry would have been more balanced if it had included reference to violence by non-State armed groups. Algeria supported a political solution and said everything had to be made to address humanitarian concerns, including the opening of a humanitarian corridor and the imposition of a ceasefire. Qatar called on Syria to allow access to the Commission, and strongly condemned violations by the Assad regime, including indiscriminate attacks against civilians and the use of chemical weapons. The regime had lost its credibility, as well as control over two thirds of the territory. Its actions had led to the rise of extremism and ISIS.

Cuba noted that millions of Syrian people continued to seek refuge in neighbouring countries, whereas thousands had been killed. It expressed concern that international and local efforts to find peace had hit a wall, due to some actors’ interest in prolonging the conflict. Interventionist agendas had to be put aside, and the interests of the Syrian people had to be respected above all. A serious commitment had to be made to stop the flow of weapons to insurgent groups in Syria, and media manipulation with political agendas. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea noted that despite international efforts for the protection and promotion of human rights, the high-handedness and double standards continued to be ever more prevalent in the field of human rights of the United Nations with developing countries. Any interference, pressure, use of armed forces, and the application of double standards in combatting terrorism and human rights should not be tolerated in any circumstances. The reality proved that such acts infringed upon the sovereignty of Syria, threatened its territorial integrity, and disturbed its peace and stability. China stated that the solution of the humanitarian crisis in Syria was ultimately in a political solution. The international community had to resolutely move in that direction, facilitate an immediate cease fire and through dialogue and mediation find a compromise. Extremist forces were the main factor leading to human rights violations, and thus the international community should protect the Syrian people from the scourge of terrorism.

Iran had repeatedly warned that terrorism threatened international peace and security. The spread of Daesh with the support of Saudi Arabia required immediate attention and reaction from the international community. All measures must be taken to mitigate the conflict in Syria and Iran stood ready to engage in dialogue and search for a solution of the Syrian crisis. Sudan called on all parties to the Syrian conflict to put an end to violence and on the international community to make efforts to find a political solution to the conflict, and to ensure the preservation of the territorial integrity of Syria. There were no alternatives to a political solution in cooperation with regional and international actors. Sudan called for the protection of civilians, access for humanitarian aid and for the root causes of the conflict to be addressed.

Statement by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia

KHATUNA TOTLADZE, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, presented a report on the human rights situation in Georgia well as on cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner. Georgia also fully supported the Universal Periodic Review, and would engage constructively during its second cycle next July. Georgia fully cooperated with treaty bodies and Special Procedures. Georgia had proven its commitment to human rights, rule of law, transparency and accountability through sectorial reforms. Georgia continued to improve its legal system to bring it in line with international standards, and had recently adopted non-discrimination legislation. Georgia had ratified a series of international human right conventions, and had recently adopted a comprehensive and long-term Human Rights Strategy (2014-20), which would serve during the next seven years as the main document to define the Government’s core human rights priorities.

The Deputy Minister condemned the brutal crimes and atrocities by ISIS, in particular against vulnerable groups, and expressed concerns about the systematic and widespread violations in Syria. Of particular importance was the situation in Ukraine’s illegally annexed Crimea. The Deputy Minister called on the Russian Federation to stop its aggressive actions against neighbouring, sovereign States, and reaffirmed Georgia’s strong support to the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. She then referred to Georgia being under Russian occupation, and said the situation in the Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions had further deteriorated after the signing of so-called integration treaties with the Russian occupation regime.

Interactive Dialogue with the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic

Belarus said the international community had to continue efforts to combat terrorism, the first victims of which were civilians. The Human Rights Council should refrain from politicizing the situation with respect of national sovereignty and non-interference in national affairs. The practice of adopting country-specific resolutions should stop. United Kingdom said it was a firm supporter of the Commission’s work. The brutal nature of the Assad regime and the bloodthirstiness of terrorist groups such as ISIL were obvious. There had been more than 660 deaths in May, more than in any other month in 2015. President Assad continued to conduct air attacks on defenceless civilians. Moderate forces ought to be helped. Kuwait strongly condemned the systematic violations of human rights of the civilian population in Syria. Civilians should be allowed to leave besieged areas and humanitarian aid needed to be allowed in. The plight of the Syrian people was at the heart of Kuwait’s humanitarian diplomacy, which had contributed $ 1.3 billion to help the Syrian people. Kuwait was supportive of Syria’s independence and territorial integrity.

Russia expressed concern about the situation in Syria, whose statehood was under threat with the growth of terrorism, and the situation of minorities. The anti-ISIl coalition was not bearing fruit. It was time to turn attention to the unprecedented scale of attacks by the Islamic State, where there was no concept of human rights and where democracy was destroyed. Russia requested the Commission to prepare a report on atrocities committed by the jihadist group Al-Nussra. Maldives was appalled by the disrespect shown to world cultural and historical heritage in Syria. The world needed to react more. It was time to reaffirm the faith in fundamental human rights and dignity of persons. The international community had the responsibility to bring to justice those responsible for the harm inflicted. Slovakia reiterated its continuing support for the work of the Commission and regretted that it had not been permitted entry into Syria. Slovakia called on all parties to stop indiscriminate bombing of civilians and strongly emphasized the urgent need to protect civilians. All responsible for human rights violations and abuses must be held accountable.

Morocco took note of the alarming information referring to the constant deterioration of the situation in Syria and its tragic effects on civilians. It deplored premeditated attacks on hospitals, places of worships and monuments, and expressed deep concern at the continued use of sieges, with devastating effects on civilians, and at the use of chemical weapons. These constituted war crimes and deserved the attention of the international community. Italy said crimes against humanity continued to be perpetrated by all parties, and expressed concern at attacks against women, children and the elderly. Italy regretted that the regime refused to grant access to the Commission and expressed support for a political solution, and for the work of the United Nations Envoy on Syria. Turkey categorically rejected accusations made by Syria, and said the situation in Syria constituted a threat to the stability in the region. Turkey said the regime had to be held accountable, and that its actions were responsible for the creation of ISIS.

Iraq stated that atrocious crimes continued in Syria; numerous women and children were suffering across the country, primarily from ISIS, Al Nussra Front and other terrorist groups. Iraq strongly condemned massacres in Syria, and urged the international community to help Syrians achieve a democratic State, which would allow for the return of refugees and promote growth and development. Botswana commended the Commission for the continuing efforts to document crimes committed by the Government forces, terrorist groups and others. There were reports of the continuous use of toxic substances, such as chlorine, which constituted war crimes. Sexual violence continued to be used as a weapon of war in the country. Some children had been recruited into active combat, which would leave serious psychological consequences on them. Romania said that the situation could not but worsen as the fighting was continuing in Syria. Romania strongly condemned all abuses of human rights law and international humanitarian law, particularly the indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas. Justice was indispensable for preventing future crimes and building a society on a solid basis, which was why the situation in Syria should be referred to the International Criminal Court.

Union of Arab Jurists said that unfortunately the Commission of Inquiry remained biased against the State of Syria and its army which was fulfilling its constitutional role to uphold Syria’s sovereignty and fight terrorism. The report largely ignored talking about countries that financed and armed the factions such as Daesh and Al-Nussra which were killing and terrorising civilians and destroying cultural heritage. Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies said that there was chaos in Syria. There was a need to pressure the United Nations Security Council to refer the situation to the International Criminal Court. The Syrian regime must be held accountable for the crimes. Any political solution must be linked to accountability mechanisms. Press Emblem Campaign said that the conflict had entered a new phase and that few journalists were covering the war because it was too dangerous. Large parts of the country under the control of ISIL were inaccessible to the media. It was hoped that impunity would not prevail and that the tribunal would judge those culpable.

Arab Commission for Human Rights said the situation in Syria had become a proxy for power with foreign parties providing arms. Civilians were the central victims of this situation. What possible steps could be taken to force all parties to respect civilians in this conflict, and what could be done to prevent foreign combatants from joining the fighting? Amnesty International referred to crimes against humanity and war crimes in Syria and the Government’s air bombings that systematically targeted civilian areas. The use of explosive weapons such as barrel bombs in civilian areas constituted a war crime. The United Nations should impose an arms embargo on Syria, demand humanitarian access and refer the situation to the International Criminal Court. Sudwind said the simplest decision in daily life, such as buying food, had become a life and death decision for Syrians. Sudwind was concerned about the involvement of foreign fighters without training, and the human rights abuses they perpetrated made the situation more difficult. Iran should stop interfering in this conflict and sending combatants.

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom stated that the causes rather than consequences needed to be tackled. The Assad regime had doubled the use of explosive weapons in populated areas, destroying numerous health facilities and leaving women confined to their houses. World Jewish Congress said that it was unfortunate that there was no end in sight for the conflict in Syria. Neighbouring States were commended for helping with refugees. Minorities across the region were facing terrible discrimination as a consequence of the war. Association of World Citizens stressed that more than half of medical staff in Syria had left the country. Over previous months, more than 100 medical facilities had been attacked in Syria, causing the death of numerous medical professionals. Targeting of medical facilities was condemned and respect was needed for international humanitarian law.

Concluding Remarks

Syria, speaking as the concerned country, said in closing remarks that some speakers lacked neutrality. Some speakers referred to barrel bombs without referring to terrorist groups. This was not an objective approach. Turkey was providing logistical support to ISIS. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel and the United States were supporting terrorism. The report of the Commission contained viewpoints based on meetings that the Government of Syria did not attend. Syria said any agreement had to respect the will of the Syrian people.

PAULO SERGIO PINHEIRO, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, in closing remarks said that naming States supporting terrorism was not within the mandate of the Commission, but he was ready to discuss it with the delegation of Syria. The voices of women needed to be included in any future peace negotiations; women’s concerns included torture, sexual violence and restrictions on freedom of movement. In the period ahead, the Commission was planning to focus on the examination of torture, death in detention, and enforced disappearances; continued allegations of the use of chemical weapons; and sexual assaults, especially in Government facilities and of Yazidi women. The Commission was hoping to reach civilians in the areas formerly held by ISIS, so that it could hear more about the human rights abuses committed there during the occupation. The Commission had been working on establishing a clear chain of command for the sake of identifying individual responsibility. The Commission did not take sides; the only side it was taking was that of Syrian civilians.


For use of the information media; not an official record
