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Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination concludes eightieth session


09 March 2012


9 March 2012

Issues Conclusions on Reports of Mexico, Israel, Kuwait, Portugal, Viet Nam, Canada, Turkmenistan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Qatar, Jordan and Italy

The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination today concluded its four-week eightieth session and released its concluding observations and recommendations on the reports of Mexico, Israel, Kuwait, Portugal, Viet Nam, Canada, Turkmenistan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Qatar, Jordan and Italy which were considered during the session.

The concluding observations and recommendations, as well as the country reports, will be available on the Committee’s webpage.

At the opening of the session the Committee adopted its agenda and elected a new bureau including a new Chairperson, Alexei Avtonomov, three Vice-Chairpersons: Amir Nourredine (Algeria), Jose Francisco Calitzay (Guatemala) and Dilip Lahiri (India) and Anastacia Crickley (Ireland) was elected Rapporteur.

During the course of the session, the Committee examined the periodic reports of 11 States parties and held three public meetings with non-governmental organizations. It held closed meetings with United Nations specialized agencies and other competent bodies, examined individual communications of violations of the Convention and considered follow-up information submitted by States parties in relation to the observations and recommendations of the Committee.

The eighty-first session of the Committee will be held from 6 to 31 August 2012, during which it will consider the report of Senegal, which was postponed from the eightieth session, and other States not yet confirmed.


For use of the information media; not an official record
