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22 March 1999

22 March 1999

The needs assessment mission sent to China by the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, returned to Geneva on Sunday, 21 March, after spending two weeks in the country. The mission had been sent by the High Commissioner pursuant to a Memorandum of Intent signed with China in Beijing on 7 September 1998 which provided for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to engage in technical cooperation in the field of human rights in China within the framework of cooperation for the Asian and Pacific region agreed upon in Teheran.

During its stay in China, the mission received active cooperation from the Chinese authorities, institutions, and officials it met. The High Commissioner is grateful for this cooperation extended to the mission. In its meetings, the experts on the mission, as instructed by the High Commissioner, sought to advance the ratification and implementation of the two international human rights covenants through a discussion of a comprehensive programme of technical cooperation in the field of human rights, the components of which would be reflected in an Memorandum of Understanding to be signed with the Chinese authorities.

The members of the mission met with representatives of the Ministries of Public Security, Justice, Education, and Foreign Affairs, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Supreme People's Court, the Office of Legislative Affairs of the State Council and the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, as well as with academic institutions, and discussed a wide range of detailed project ideas of technical cooperation in administration of justice, human rights education, legislative reform, and other areas of human rights.

The Chinese authorities identified a number of projects for priority consideration and indicated that other projects required further study. On the basis of its meetings with Chinese Government agencies and other institutions, the mission is currently drafting detailed project outlines to facilitate the process of ratification of the two main human rights covenants, strengthening national human rights capacities and infrastructures as well as creating the conditions for the harmonization of national law and practice with international human rights standards.

The mission also submitted a draft Memorandum of Understanding which is now under active consideration by the Chinese Authorities.

The High Commissioner considers that the constructive discussions engaged in by the mission should be swiftly followed by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding and agreement on a serious programme of work to begin as soon as possible. In the meantime, the High Commissioner continues to be concerned about human rights issues in China which she has been discussing and will continue to discuss with Chinese representatives.