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22 June 2006

Human Rights Council

22 June 2006

The Human Rights Council this afternoon adopted the agenda of the first session of the Council.

The President of the Council, Ambassador Luis Alfonso de Alba of Mexico, said that although the programme of work had also been scheduled to be adopted, further time for consultations would be given with the aim of limiting the number of issues to be taken up next week, and therefore the adoption of the programme of work was postponed for 24 hours.

The six items on the agenda of the Council are the election of officers; adoption of the agenda and organization of work; the report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights; the implementation of General Assembly Resolution A/60/251 “Human Rights Council”; the programme of work for the first year; and the report of the session.

The next plenary of the Council will be held on Friday, 23 June at 10 a.m., at which time the Council will consider the report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and hold an interactive dialogue with High Commissioner Louise Arbour.

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For use of information only; not an official record