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19 January 1998

19 January 1998

The Committee on the Rights of the Child this morning discussed the composition of a Working Group on children with disabilities which it decided to form following a General Discussion on this issue last October.

As a result of the General Discussion on children with disabilities on 6 October 1997, the Committee decided to establish a Working Group to implement the recommendations made during the debate.

Committee members exchanged views on the composition and size of the Working Group which will include representatives from key disability organizations with expertise in the field of children's rights. Furthermore, it was suggested that the Working Group establish close working links with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and World Health Organization (WHO).

Committee experts said that the issue of children with disabilities needed a global approach and a plan of action to design a strategy within the scope of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The plan of action will aim at broadening the agenda from the more traditional perspective to prevention and rehabilitation of disabled children in order to assert the fundamental importance of recognition of their basic human rights.

Committee Chairperson Sandra P. Mason said that further discussions and different recommendations were needed to consolidate the conclusions of the General Discussion. Although the participation of children themselves in the Working Group was crucial, the manner in which they would be included more consideration, she said.

There was consensus that the size of the Working Group on children with disabilities should be small and dynamic with a mandate to prepare a plan of action and develop a strategy for its implementations.

According to the rapporteur of the General Discussion on children with disabilities, who also took part in the Committee's debate this morning, the plan of action will further seek to assert the equal rights of disabled children to life, to inclusion and to participation. Challenging the discrimination and abuse experienced by so many disabled children should start with a commitment to equal opportunities and to equal respect for the value of their lives.

When the Committee reconvenes at 3 p.m. this afternoon, it will discuss in private session its cooperation with non-governmental organizations and concluding observations and recommendations on country reports it considered this session.