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Briefing note, 10 February 1998


10 February 1998

10 February 1998

John Mills, media officer for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, said that he had spoken with Ambassador Nils Eliasson, the Chairman of the Working Group on a draft optional protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict. The Chairman had expected the meeting of the Working Group to finish yesterday however it was still meeting and would resume today at noon to consider its report which would go to the Commission on Human Rights. Amb. Eliasson would be happy to do a briefing on the progress or lack thereof in the meeting once it ended - probably late this afternoon.

Asked if the briefing would be at 6 p.m., Mr. Mills said he hoped it would be earlier. It was a matter of waiting for the meeting to finish since Amb. Eliasson was the Chairman. Mr. Mills said he would make an announcement once the meeting concluded.

In response to a question on when the new Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in the former Yugoslavia would be named and if there was truth to the rumours that it could be the former Czech Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Jiri Dienstbier, Mr. Mills said he preferred not comment on rumours. As to when the appointment would be made, this was a matter for the Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights and Mr. Mills said he would ask and see if anything was in prospect. Once an appointment had been made, it would announced immediately.