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Press briefing notes on Afghanistan


08 February 2022
Delivered by: Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: Liz Throssell

Nearly three weeks after their disappearance, there is still no news about the whereabouts and well-being of four women activists and their relatives who were detained or abducted in Kabul in connection with the recent women’s rights protests.

In addition to Parwana Ibrahim Khil and Tamana Paryani, who were abducted with their relatives on 19 January, two more women in Kabul – who also reportedly took part in a 16 January protest on women’s rights – were forcibly taken last week. Reports indicate that Mursal Ayar was taken from her house on 2 February and Dr Zahra Mohammadi was abducted outside her medical clinic on 3 February. There is no information about their whereabouts.

We are gravely concerned for the safety of the disappeared women and their family members. We continue to press the de facto authorities for information on these cases, and for an effective, transparent investigation. We stress the need to ensure their physical and mental integrity and call for their immediate release.


For more information and media requests, please contact:

Ravina Shamdasani + 41 22 917 9169 / or
Liz Throssell + 41 22 917 9296 /
