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Comment by UN Human Rights Office spokesperson Seif Magango on market attack in Cameroon


23 November 2023

We deplore the 21 November attack on Bamenyam market in western Cameroon in which nine civilians were killed. Those responsible must be held to account.

Suspected armed separatist fighters from the English-speaking North-West region stormed the market in the French-speaking Bamboutos area, shooting randomly and setting businesses on fire. They also abducted at least 10 civilians and looted property.

Attacks against civilians are unacceptable. We call for the prompt release of all those abducted, and for thorough, impartial, and independent investigations into all attacks on civilians with a view to ensuring justice and accountability.

This is the second major attack by armed groups this month. At least 25 civilians were reportedly killed in Egbekaw village, in the South-West region on 6 November. Thousands of civilians have been killed, injured, or displaced since the crisis began in 2016.
