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Chile: UN expert to assess effects of environmental risks on human rights


02 May 2023

GENEVA (2 May 2023) – The UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment, David R. Boyd, will visit Chile from 3 to 12 May 2023.

The visit will be Boyd’s first to a country in Latin America and takes place in the year following the historic recognition of the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment at the General Assembly.

During his visit, the Special Rapporteur will assess environmental issues such as climate change, air and water pollution, the impacts of large-scale mining (including copper and lithium-mining), biodiversity and sustainable development planning. He will aim to identify both good practices and challenges related to Chile’s human rights obligations.

Boyd will meet with Government officials, representatives of civil society, human rights defenders, academics and environmental activists during his visit.   

The UN expert will present his preliminary observations on the visit at a press conference on 12 May at the Regional Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3269, Vitacura Santiago de Chile at 10:30AM local time. The press conference will also be transmitted online. Access is strictly limited to journalists who have registered beforehand (see instructions below).

The Special Rapporteur will present a comprehensive report on the visit to the UN Human Rights Council in March 2024.

