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Argentina: UN expert to make first official visit to check on unlawful deaths


11 November 2022

GENEVA (11 November 2022) – The UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Morris Tidball-Binz, will be in Argentina from 14 to 25 November 2022 on the first official visit to the country since the mandate was created 40 years ago.

“Argentina has gone through an extraordinary transformation and is today often considered as an example for the efforts it has deployed to deal with the atrocities of the past,” the Special Rapporteur said. As well as learning about achievements and lessons in the process, the visit at the invitation of the Argentine Government will also help identify and overcome any challenges still faced for the effective prevention and investigation of all unlawful deaths, Tidball-Binz said.

The Special Rapporteur will examine measures to prevent and investigate all potentially unlawful deaths, including the excessive and disproportionate use of force in the context of law enforcement, the issue of deaths in custody, as well as the question of gender-based killings.

The expert will meet with authorities at the federal, provincial and city level and with other stakeholders, including from civil society and with victims and their families. He is expected to travel to Buenos Aires, La Plata, Córdoba, Corrientes and Resistencia.

Tidball-Binz will hold a press conference on 25 November 2022 at the Hotel EFE, salón ORO PB, Paraguay 474, Buenos Aires, at 11.30 am. Access will be strictly limited to accredited journalists. They should email: to register.

The Special Rapporteur will submit a report including his findings and recommendations to the UN Human Rights Council’s 53rd session in June 2023.
