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Membership of the Human Rights Council, 1 January - 31 December 2018 by year when term expires

Belgium 2018
Burundi 2018
Côte d’Ivoire 2018
Ecuador 2018
Ethiopia 2018
Georgia 2018
Germany 2018
Kenya 2018
Kyrgyzstan 2018
Mongolia 2018
Panama 2018
Philippines 2018
Republic of Korea 2018
Slovenia 2018
Switzerland 2018
Togo 2018
United Arab Emirates 2018
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2018
Brazil 2019
China 2019
Croatia 2019
Cuba 2019
Egypt 2019
Hungary 2019
Iraq 2019
Japan 2019
Rwanda 2019
Saudi Arabia 2019
South Africa 2019
Tunisia 2019
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2019
United States of America until 19 June 2018
Afghanistan 2020
Angola 2020
Australia 2020
Chile 2020
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2020
Mexico 2020
Nepal 2020
Nigeria 2020
Pakistan 2020
Peru 2020
Qatar 2020
Senegal 2020
Slovakia 2020
Spain 2020
Ukraine 2020