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Membership of the Human Rights Council 19 June 2011 - 31 December 2012 by year when term expires

Bangladesh 2012
Belgium 2012
Cameroon 2012
China 2012
Cuba 2012
Djibouti 2012
Hungary 2012
Jordan 2012
Kyrgyzstan 2012
Mauritius 2012
Mexico 2012
Nigeria 2012
Norway 2012
Russian Federation 2012
Saudi Arabia 2012
Senegal 2012
United States of America 2012
Uruguay 2012
Angola 2013
Ecuador 2013
Guatemala 2013
Libya ** 2013
Malaysia 2013
Maldives 2013
Mauritania 2013
Poland 2013
Qatar 2013
Republic of Moldova 2013
Spain 2013
Switzerland 2013
Thailand 2013
Uganda 2013
Benin 2014
Botswana 2014
Burkina Faso 2014
Chile 2014
Congo 2014
Costa Rica 2014
Czech Republic 2014
India 2014
Indonesia 2014
Italy 2014
Kuwait 2014
Peru 2014
Philippines 2014
Romania 2014

**The rights of membership of Libya were suspended by the General Assembly between 1 March 2011 and 18 November 2011.