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Press briefing notes on Iraq


04 November 2016

Spokespeople for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: Ravina Shamdasani
Location: Geneva
Date:  4 November 2016

(1) Iraq

We have reports that ISIL has been continuing to forcibly transfer civilians over the past few days. On Tuesday, we understand trucks full of abducted civilians – reportedly some 1,600 people – were taken from Hamam al-Alil to Tal Afar city. Some of these families were told that they may be transported to Syria. We are very concerned that ISIL intends to use these families to shield themselves from air strikes. On Wednesday, another 150 families were transferred from Hamam al-Alil to Mosul city. Also on Wednesday, ISIL reportedly used loudspeakers to order the residents of Lazaghah and Arij villages, about five kilometres from Hamam al-Alil city centre, to leave their villages or be severely punished. We also continue to receive reports of mass killings, including one incident on Monday, when ISIL reportedly killed 50 of its own militants in the Ghazlani military base in Mosul city for alleged desertion. There are also credible reports that 180 people were killed on Wednesday in Kokjali town in eastern Mosul, and possibly up to another 200 people were killed in Mosul city. We are trying to verify the details of these alleged killings. 

We have reports that ISIL militants are holding captive nearly 400 women from Kurdish, Yezidi or Shi’a Muslim communities in Tal Afar. Since 17 October, ISIL has reportedly also been forcibly recruiting children from the age of nine or 10 as fighters in Mosul. 

We have also received reports of civilian deaths caused by airstrikes, including one on Wednesday evening that reportedly killed four women and wounded 17 other civilians in the al-Qudus neighbourhood in eastern Mosul. We remind the Government and its allies that all military operations, as well as security screening of people, must be carried out in full compliance with international humanitarian law, and that they must strictly abide by the principles of humanity, distinction, proportionality, necessity and precautions to avoid and minimize loss of civilian life. 


For more information and media requests, please contact Rupert Colville (+41 22 917 9767 / or Ravina Shamdasani (+41 22 917 9169 / or Liz Throssell  ( +41 22 917 9466/

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Briefing notes: Iraq