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البيان الذي أدلى به الخبير المستقل المعني بإقامة نظام دولي ديمقراطي ومنصف أمام الفريق العامل الحكومي الدولي المعني بالحق في السلام


30 حزيران/يونيو 2014

Room XVIII, Monday 30 June 2014

Dear Ambassador Guillermet, dear colleagues,

Allow me to refer to Human Rights Council Resolutions 18/6, 21/9 and 25/15, as well as pertinent General Assembly Resolutions on a democratic and equitable international order, which affirm the right to peace and task the mandate-holder with promoting this right.

In my reports to the Human Rights Council and General Assembly, I have elaborated on the legal basis of the right to peace, endeavoured to elucidate the links between peace and human rights, and postulated a vision of peace as an individual and collective human right.

I wish to recall the text of the Advisory Committee’s Draft Declaration on the Right to Peace, which has garnered the support of more than 2000 civil society organizations, including PEN International, which in September 2013 adopted the Bled Manifesto on Peace, specifically endorsing the on-going process to adopt a UN Declaration on the Right to Peace.

Now, turning to the Draft UN Declaration before us, while I endorse the preambular paragraphs, I find the operative paragraphs too summary and devoid of added value.  I think that key elements should be incorporated in the operative part.  For instance, after Article 2, the working group may consider adding the language:

The implementation of the right to peace requires serious disarmament negotiations, since disarmament promotes peace and releases funds for sustainable development.

The right to peace should be seen in its collective and individual dimensions, and understood as an enabling right without which no one can fully enjoy civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights. 

The progressive implementation of the right of self-determination as stipulated in the UN Charter is a condition for the prevention of internal, regional and international armed conflict.

I wish the second session of the inter-governmental working group success in the noble task of reaffirming the UN’s commitment to peace and incorporating into the draft some of the important elements contained in the Advisory Committee’s draft text.  It would be regrettable if civil society were to perceive the current exercise as retrogression.

Thank you.
