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Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Komi-Permian


Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights - Russian Federation

Language Profile



125.000,00 (2002)


Komi-Permyak Okrug, Russian Federation


Komi-Permians (self: Komi, Komi Mort, Komi Otir) - people of the Finn -Ugor group in the north-west of the Perm region, the Komi-Perm okrug. In 2002, their number amounted to hundred twenty five thousand people. 

Traditional settlements of the Komi- Permians are relatively small villages usually located along the rivers. In the southern district of the Komi-Perm okrug, the villages are located near spring and wells close to the main roads. Historically, the Komi-Permians are engaged in hunting and fishing, plow agriculture, animal husbandry, forest industry. 

In the past, Komi-Permians were pagans. Today, most of them are orthodox Christians, there are also old believers.

The Komi-Permian language is one of the three main dialects of the Komi language with its own literary norm. The current Komi alphabet is a modified version of the Russian alphabet consisting of 35 letters:

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