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Days of general discussion DGD

2011 day of general discussion: Children of incarcerated parents


30 September 2011


Salle XVII, Palais des Nations, Geneva

During its 56th session (17 January – 7 February 2011), the Committee on the Rights of the Child, decided to devote its 2011 discussion day to article 9 of the Convention dealing with issues relating to the rights of children of incarcerated parents. The discussion took place on Friday, 30 September 2011 during the 58th session of the Committee at the United Nations Office at Geneva.

The rights of children of incarcerated parents are set out in article 9 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The 2011 Day of General Discussion provided States and other actors with more comprehensive guidance as to their obligations to promote and protect the rights of children of incarcerated parents as outlined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Given the complexity of the concepts and issues involved as well as the concerns raised and experiences gathered to date in the Committee's efforts to address these issues, this meeting was divided into two working groups on the following themes:

  • Working Group 1: Babies and children living with or visiting a parent in prison
  • Working Group 2: Children left ‘outside’ when their parent is incarcerated
Inputs received

Please note that these submissions are released in an unedited form, as received by the CRC Secretariat. The views expressed are those of the submission authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Committee on the Rights of the Child.