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Statement by Yasmin Sooka, Chair of Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan, on extension of pre-transitional period of Revitalised Peace Agreement


08 November 2019

Johannesburg, 8 November 2019

“The Commission on Human rights in South Sudan notes the agreement, reached in Kampala on November 7 by the parties to the South Sudan revitalised peace agreement, to extend by 100 days the deadline for the formation of the national unity government. The Commission urges all parties to the revitalised peace agreement to work with renewed urgency to resolve the outstanding issues, including security arrangements, the number of states, and the outstanding payment by the Government of South Sudan for the peace process.

“South Sudanese are desperate for peace so they can begin the task of rebuilding their lives and develop the potential of their country following years of conflict. Leaders of the parties in the conflict owe it to the people of South Sudan to work in good faith to implement all aspects of the peace agreement, including Chapter 5, which provides for establishment of the Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Commission, the Reparations and Compensation Authority and the Hybrid Court. Justice and accountability are critical elements for ending cycles of violence and impunity, essential if South Sudan is to achieve sustainable peace. The leaders of South Sudan owe this to their people, who deserve no less.”


The Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan was established by the Human Rights Council in March 2016 and extended in March 2017 and for a further year in March 2018, with a mandate to determine and report the facts and circumstances of, collect and preserve evidence of, and clarify responsibility for alleged gross violations and abuses of human rights and related crimes, including sexual and gender-based violence and ethnic violence, with a view to ending impunity and providing accountability.

For media queries, please contact Doune Porter on tel: +211 92 969 3242 or +211 91 778 5995

More information about the UN Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan.>
